ux projects

The bulk of my UX work focuses on network applications for cloud infrastructures. I have also worked on projects for global console features such as chatbots, bulk actions, guided tours, and more. Browse the case studies below to see examples of my designs and process, although some projects are password protected. Please contact me to acquire those credentials.

ux projects

AI Assistant & Chatbot (2024)

This study summarizes my contributions as a product designer and thought leader to Oracle’s generative AI solutions. This was part of a spontaneous, generative exercise, and not a defined project: I worked with many other designers and product managers to push the strategy and concepts of what GenAI could look like in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure's console.

During the ideation process I was part of a small group of leaders and thinkers tasked with brainstorming new ways to use an AI-assisted cloud platform. These efforts underwent many iterations of design revisions, based both off evolving needs and user research and validation.

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Bulk Actions (2024)

Any cloud platform has to contend with how to organize and display massive lists of resources. This project attempted to tackle a rethinking of our bulk action management strategy, to empower users to speed up their workflows and really understand how they wanted to manage more than one resource at a time. I worked as both designer and researcher for this project.

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Resource Explorer (2024)

A multi-part project that investigates the resource presentation and search experience in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure via the new resource explorer feature. The intent was to learn user behavior and expectations regarding search, as well as to observe how users respond to new functionality such as the homepage widget and advanced search. Research questions included how and what users searched for; how does a user interpret and interact with the RE components; and how users expected to and in practice manipulate filters and advanced queries for complex searches.

This page is still under construction. Please check back in a few days.

Network Load Balancer (2021)

Flexible Network Load Balancer is an Oracle Cloud service that offers non-proxy Layer 4 load balancing with source and destination IP preservation. It is an addition to the existing Load Balancer service, which on its own uses Layer 7 and does not offer as much guaranteed low-latency, among other differences.

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DNS Management (2020)

Oracle's DNS Management is a grouping of services for users to manage their network and traffic across Oracle Cloud. Previously, various DNS-affiliated services were floating as secondary items under the generic banner of 'Networking', but as services expanded it became clear that a new hierarchy was needed: the introduction of a tertiary group. To present offerings within this group, Oracle needed a landing page structure and design that could scale and be applied to all tertiary groupings in the console.

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Private Access (2019)

Private Access for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is a service that enables users to connect from their private network to services running on OCI. As part of future Gartner requirements and general usability, Oracle needed a user interface to allow themselves and third-party providers to display and configure private endpoint-based access to consumers, and for consumers to browse and configure those endpoints.

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